Friday, December 28, 2007

Biologically Inclined

I am currently pet sitting for my business partner. She has 4 birds, I have 1. So total I am caring for a Congo African Grey, a Yellow Fronted Amazon parrot, a Senegal Parrot, a Black Capped Caique, and a Goffin's Cockatoo (my personal companion). I am watching them for 10 days, this is day 8 and like clockwork these guys are up greeting the sun every morning. It is almost as though they decide the night before who is going to start the screaming. When one bird stops to rest its vocal chords another chimes in without missing a beat to ensure that the day is rightfully greeted.

When I lived with one bird, she adapted to me. She would wait to begin her twittering until I was up and drinking my cup of coffee. Now, they are the majority. I will have to adapt to them. More power to the myriad of people out there who have opened their homes to literally dozens of parrots- as a fellow parrot lover, it surely takes a special person with loads of dedication and a certain amount of tenacity.

Hey as the saying goes-"Birds of a feather..."

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